the season finale of ‘Modern Family’ left us with a shocking and unexpected revelation! Find out who’s having a baby! The finale’s baby drama had all the elements of excellence. It was funny, cruel, incredibly silly, and it left us asking one thing: Is it season four yet? Cameron and Mitchell’s adoption story line has ...
stretched out all through the season. Finally, when they get the good news that they’ll be receiving a newborn baby boy from Calexico, they bring Spanish-speaking Gloria with them to help translate their telenova-esque escapade that was hilarious and heart-wrenching at the same time.So we learn that the baby’s grandmother wants to raise him, and the news of course devastates the couple. We see Mitchell wandering away from the gas station to lie down on the ground — so heartbreaking! He just can’t take it anymore and he and Cam agree to take a break from the adoption process (they’re extra sad they missed Lily’s dance recital to make the trip, to boot).
But — in a shocking twist we find out that the car-sickness Gloria was feeling during the trip was actually morning sickness. Yup — Gloria is PREGNANT! We can’t to see next season’s cute mommy gear on Sofia Vergara!
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