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Lindsay, Franco Why???? (from Perez H)

i mean what the hell is going on here?! someone needs to save this girl and Franco, you should know better
James Franco and Lindsay Lohan are reportedly teaming up to create an "explicit photographic book," which includes "full frontal nudity" and "graphic shots." Apparently, the two actors have had "a series of dinner meetings" to discuss the project, in which they'll be working with Terry Richardson, who's responsible for GaGa's Supreme Clothing nude photo shoot. Here's what a source had to say about it: “Lindsay is struggling to get another break in Hollywood. There’s a stigma attached to working with her and she is determined to change this – starting with the photographic book."

“Terry Richardson has persuaded Lindsay and James to get involved. He has assured them it will be provocative but tasteful."
“There will be a lot of nakedness – some of it graphic and suggestive – but it will be a real statement book."
“Obviously there will be comparisons to Madonna’s 1992 Sex book. But James and Lindsay believe theirs will be classier.”
OMG this is not the 90s so this is gonna bummmmmm (altough i can actually see such selling) but this is not what future oscar hopefulls are supposed to be doing! God what is up with the world

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