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Rihanna Vs. Ciara: Clash of the Songstresses

when i first heared about this, i chuckled then it hit me "WTF"!
it all started with Ciara guest judging on E's! fashion police with Joan Rivers. When a picture of Rihanna came up, ciara said some stuff was up between them cause rihanna kinda flipped her at snubbed her at an event but that there was no beef. So Rihanna in "pissed off" mode, took to twitter and the war of twitts began and what caught my attention was when Rihanna took a shot at Ciara's career!

Ladies why all the bikkering? is this really necessary> Ciara, why the hell would u choose a show on E! to broadcast your beef and Rihanna< why would you retaliate and say such nasty stuff.  Love you both but seriously babes, get a grip and collaborate, not dissunitate!!!! lol

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