In what felt like a blow (especially to my mother who loves the Nollywood icon) came the news of Sam Loco Efe's shocking demise! He died yesterday, the 7th of August, on location (in a hotel room). word has it that he was directing a movie in Owerri at the time. May his soul rest in Peace
i took the liberty of conecting you all who are interested in knowing or remembering the "Loco Efe" humor to take a peak at on of his previous interviw on remarrying.
Sam Loco Efe has been in the entertainment industry for more than three decades.
Many would say he is a comedian; but Efe, in this interview with ’NONYE IWUAGWU, says he fits into all parts.
He also speaks on his first love, and why he had to leave it for acting. You speak Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa fluently, though you’re not from any of these tribes...
I seem to have a knack for languages. I had the interest to learn the languages as well. There is no language that is not important. I can speak Hausa 40 per cent; Igbo and Yoruba, 100 per cent. Of course, I can speak Benin language 100 per cent.
You can comfortably pass for an Igbo man.I am not even from the Igbo-speaking part of the South South. I am from Benin. Most people keep saying I am from Benue. Some say I am an Ogbomosho man. Others feel this is ‘Omo Ibadan.’
I like it that way. The more controversial it is, the better for me. Nobody is going to cheat me.
You have been in the movies for a very long time...No, not for too long. On the stage, maybe I have stayed over 47 years. In the movies, I think I can say 35 years. (continue here)
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